( Reminder )
1. 創新中心開放日2011 InnoCentre Open House 2011
10 - 11 March |
Half Day |
1 pm - 6 pm |
12 March |
(SAT) |
Full Day |
10 am - 7 pm | Dear Sir / Madam, 敬啓者:
Mark your calendar from Thursday to Saturday – Don’t miss the chance to meet with local design talents at InnoCentre. Register Now!
今個星期四至六 ─ 切勿錯過在創新中心與本地設計精英會面的機會!立即登記!
For and On behalf of InnoCentre Marketing Department Please call tel. 6331-7234 for Registration and Details.
2. Mark Your diary for Friday March 11 (5-7pm) The best opportunity to search for your creative business partners. Register Now! 今個星期五 - 物色創意伙伴的最佳聚會 ,立即登記!

創意商貿交流會 Creative Business Sharing & Networking 2011 sponsored by Hong Kong Design Centre
Find HKDC on Facebook
3. 跨產業「創」「造」配對會 Cross Industry Matching Showcase concurrent with the Open House March 10-12 (3 days)
Organized by Hong Kong Productivity Council for Hong Kong Innovative Entrepreneur Association (HKIEA). For more details, please call Ms Yoyo Kwok 2788 6144 or Ms Adele Chu at 2788 5826.
Act Now! 立即行動!